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On Labor Day weekend, 2007, I brought home two cute 3-month old female Devon Rex kittens. Tanya (TAN-ya) and Chanel. This was my first time living with cats, so I prepared with books for dummies and how-to manuals. During my readings, I came across books and websites about toilet training. Yes, you teach your cat to use the toilet! I was intrigued and read multiple strategies to train my kitties to poop in the commode. The process can take anywhere from 4 weeks to a year!! It was still early, and all sources advised to wait until 6 months of age.

So I waited. In the mean time, I learned how annoying litter can be. I got the automatic LitterMaid Elite Mega Advanced Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box which scoops the poop every time the kitties go. I got it lightly used from a posting. It was worth the money and I didn't become too much of a slave to the litter box. Even though I didn't have the burden of all day scooping, I started noticing that litter traveled. I saw little litter granules beyond the laundry room (original location of the litter box). I 'd see it track out from the laundry room door and occasionally see a granule or two on the kitchen floor or on the couch. I know cats are clean animals, but litter granules on the couch can't be very sanitary.

So, as they started pushing their 6th month of life (Tanya was 6 months, Chanel was 5 1/2 months), I decided to start their training to use the toilet. I love my kitties, but I hate the litter. They are super smart, so I think they will pick it up quickly.

I'm writing this blog on Tanya, Chanel, and the Toilet so you can keep up with their (and my) daily progress (or lack thereof). I am by no means an expert. But you can see pictures and watch the brief videos that chronicle their status and the methods I've used.

You can start from Day 1 by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Toilet Training Day 82/Litter Kwitter Day 44

The past 2 days have been complete Crisis Stage.
I am just perplexed as to how to help Tanya and Chanel get to aim centrally for #2. I thought Tanya got it, but she is hit or miss. And Chanel? Well Chanel just plain misses. She stands completely on the seat and goes on the seat (which could then drop on the floor) or sideways stance which also goes on the seat. The pic shows Tan with a hit--all 4 paws on the seat for #2 !

I put the actual toilet seat down for the past couple days. I did this when they were using the Amber tray and it kept Chanel from peeing as far to the edge as possible. But putting the seat down this time made everything worse. For the first time, Chanel held her #2 for a good 24 hours--until I put the seat up. Tanya also avoided going. Today, again, I put the seat down. When I got home, the Litter Kwitter was clean--all #1 through the hole. But later, I walked into the bathroom and there was poo on the floor and bath mats. I was so upset. I lifted the toilet seat and choose to ignore them for a while. Beckoning meows fell on deaf ears for a good hour total. Was I punishing them for something that was essentially my fault? As I confess all this, it does seem that way. Sorry kitties....

After an hour of the silent treatment, I gave them their wet food dinner as usual. I was still barely paying attention to them when I heard Tanya in the bathroom. She had deposited a #2 perfectly in the bowl and came out to get me. It was ahead of schedule. She was obviously trying to make up. It worked. :)

So, the toilet seat will stay up. I'll just have to wait it out and see what they end up doing by themselves and with a bit more 'coaching'. I had to get more litter the other day. The difficult decision was: Which size bag do I choose?. The small one or the big one? Of course, my wishful thinking encouraged me to get the small one....


Anonymous said...

hey dns-
if it makes you feel any better, i've been cleaning TWO LK discs 7-8 times a day for the past 5 days! YUCK! do you feel better? so, they don't like the toilet seat down. the good news is you knew exactly why they got upset. now that it is back up they will be good again. and it sounds like tanya felt guilty for her accident. that is sooooo cute.

jenny & hello

Shelly said...

Hi DnS,
This happened to me for about a week or so with Eleanor when I went to the 4" hole. She kept going #2 on the seat or even worse it would roll off the side of the seat and fall on the floor. YUCK! I then caught her going #2 a couple of times and repositioned her in mid-poo. She eventually figured it out and I haven't had a YUCK episode in a while now. Maybe it will help to put some extra litter in the LK. Entice em! And I feel your pain on the kitty litter. I feel like I'm always running out & buying more.

Good luck & keep in touch,
Shelly, Eleanor & Sunshine

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